Zorba's Pizza

Forget Chicago and New York - you can get great pizza right here in northern Minnesota!  Just three hours north of the Twin Cities (that's Paul Bunyan country if you can't read the sign), in the small town of Cross Lake, Minnesota, lives the legendary Zorba's Pizza.  Zorba's found its niche where the mega chains dared not venture.  Boasting 9 locations (all in the remote cabin towns of northern Minnesota), Zorba's classic kitschy ambiance is exactly where you'd expect to see a water-skiing flip-flopping crowd.

Here, the "Bunn Zpecial" Pizza boasts five meats, including a rather spicy Italian sausage.  This is pizza that calls for commitment.  The menu reads, "Red Meat Ain't Bad For You - Green Meat with Fuzz on it is!"  For the tree huggers out there, they also have the PETA Special - All Veggies - No Meat.

In addition to some tasty pizza, the kids also found these cool vacation T-Shirts.

Who needs Hilton Head?  We've got Zorbas at the Beach!


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